Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Install App for SharePoint-There were errors when validating the App Package

While installing the App from Visual Studio 2012, I was getting the below error

"Error occurred in deployment step 'Install App for SharePoint' There were errors when validating the App Package"

And checked everything what could be the possible mistakes I have made. And couldn't able to figure out what was the issue. I have googled  and checked everything by going through all XML files and removed all content from the App project I have written. But, still no luck.

After 2 days, I am going through the MSDN articles on Apps documentation and found below information.

Ensure that your app manifest has an element instead of property. Otherwise, you might encounter this error when trying to deploy your app by using Visual Studio.

And another scenario you might get this error is due to app image. This information I found from internet that make sure the app image size should be 96 width and 96 height.

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